Giving Deeper Insights
Over the years, we have created partnerships with companies that have taken culture assessments several times, and at this stage in their program’s maturity, they are looking for deeper insights into how they can advance their culture.
We've added several new questions across the Eight Pillars, based on what we have learned. For example, we’ve added new depth and details to figure out the root cause behind why employees do or don’t report misconduct. We also offer a variety of new answer options to address what people consider to be key pieces of encouragement to report, such as support from their managers or from their peers.
These new questions allow us to go deeper into areas where our customers are always asking for more information, where they think we can become even more actionable in what we can advise and coach customers to do.
We are also going deeper into the employee's perspective on how the messaging from ethics and compliance is resonating, and how well they can recall the messaging itself. We really want to start measuring elements of not only perceptions of the program, willingness to speak up, and tone of the top and the middle, but also behaviors associated with that.
Ultimately, these things are all around getting a sense if your program is working or if it is effective in general. There is a triumvirate of inputs that are required to figure out is your program working. The first is the environment or the compliance program: What systems or processes are in place from the compliance team that dictate the compliance environment for the employee? The second is the perception of the local culture: What is the willingness of people to speak up, and why? That is really where our survey comes into play. And third is the behavioral component: What are the employees subject to, what are they feeling, and what are they actually doing?
From the behavioral standpoint, we've started interjecting questions that really get at what extent employees are receiving communications. Are they reporting? Are they engaging with their manager on the topic of speak up? If so, how frequently, and what is that experience like? We're trying to get that holistic view to help compliance leads figure out if their program is working in practice. That’s why some of the new questions and new answer options to existing questions get at that behavioral component.