Many organizations make the mistake of viewing compliance as a purely legal matter. And of course, the new U.S. Department of Justice update emphasizes that. But this is a cultural exercise, not a legal one. This is not about establishing the policies, regulations, and protocols of the organization. It is really about deciding who you want to be as an organization. Do we want to do to do the legal minimum? Or do we aspire to something greater than that?
The Ethisphere team went above and beyond, in terms of providing us with what we needed, since we have so many different organizations in so many different geographies with so many employees.
They provided us with data cuts that drilled down through some 160,000 employees in a manner that provides us with information by geography, function, and business without violating privacy laws, or employee anonymity. We didn’t want to be able to identify individual people, but we did want to be able to identify if a particular issue raised by the survey was a Finance issue or a Sales issue, whether it was an issue in India vs. Brazil, or if it was an issue in Transportation or Energy. The Ethisphere team was really great about providing us with all of those data cuts.
Was your support from the Board reflective of your ongoing relationship with them, or did you have to reach out to them specifically for this particular initiative?
At Hitachi, we have a great deal of focus on compliance, generally. I have a seat at the Board’s Internal Audit Committee, where I can get information firsthand, make recommendations, and report on a regular basis. And when I report, we dig into lots of issues, from joint ventures to discipline. They are very focused. We are called on quite a lot, in a friendly way, and we can have real-time conversations about compliance. I don't have to wait for it to filter down through many levels of management or through different areas of the organization. So that direct relationship is huge. But it is also a double-edged sword, because with great presence comes great accountability, to paraphrase Spider-Man (laughs).
The other important role the board played in this is a demand for accuracy and transparency. They want every employee to know where we are as a company. They want to make sure that we are driving the business from a cultural engagement standpoint. The cultural assessment survey is a direct correlation between managers communicating with their employees on a more frequent basis, and the scores that you receive.