Organizations within the data set are committed to a strong ethical culture and are leaders at equipping managers to lead ethically and create an open-door environment. Managers are the most visible leaders in employees’ day-to-day work. When employees see their manager consistently acting with integrity, it sets a powerful example and reinforces ethical behavior as a standard. However, opportunities still exist to leverage managers as tone-setters for ethical culture throughout an organization.
Nineteen percent of employees are only being reached by their managers with ethics and compliance related discussions just once per year – or not at all.
It is important to note that within our dataset, employees are more than twice as likely to be comfortable approaching their manager if there are at least quarterly discussions of ethics or compliance related issues/topics by managers.
Managers serve as a crucial link between organizational ethics initiatives and day-to-day operations, ensuring that corporate values are reflected in employees' actions. Managers are the tide that raises all ships with respect to employee perceptions of ethical culture, so increasing the frequency of these communications should remain top of mind for all ethics and compliance functions.